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Please join our Prayer Intercessory Network

Do not fear, for I am with you. I will bring your offspring from the east and gather you from the west. I will say to the north, ‘Give them up!’ and to the south, ‘Do not hold them back.’ Bring My sons from far and My daughters from the ends of the earth.  Isaiah 43:5-6 TLV

Prayer, above all, is the heartbeat of our ministry! Therefore, we must continue to cry out and pray for the Jewish people of America to answer God’s call to go home! Fervent and passionate prayer, along with the declaration and proclamation of His Word, serve as the weapons the LORD has equipped us with. These powerful tools help us “remove the boulders” on the Aliyah highways in our nation. Israel and our Jewish friends need our prayers now as never before—For His Holy Name’s Sake and for His glory!

A Note from our National Prayer Coordinator

Dear Friend,

Thank you for your interest in praying with Operation Exodus USA.  We are pleased and greatly encouraged by your desire to join this work as an intercessor.  Prayer is central to our ministry. The faithful, dedicated intercession of our worldwide prayer family is vital as the Lord continues to use Operation Exodus USA for the ingathering of His Jewish people from the nations.

Over recent years, the work of Operation Exodus USA has continued to expand, from assisting with Aliyah from the former Soviet Union, to actively praying for the fulfillment of Aliyah from the North, South, East and West, specifically the USA. In order to ensure a rapid and effective prayer covering for the whole work and yet be sensitive to you, we ask you to complete and submit the on-line Prayer Team Application.

We are a continuously growing international prayer family, and we welcome the opportunity to get to know new intercessors wishing to serve and pray with us.  Therefore, when completing the form, please share a little of your personal testimony, particularly relating to your desire to pray for the Aliyah

Thank you very much for your support and your desire to partner with us in God’s call to the Church to help the Jewish people return to their homeland, Israel.

God bless you abundantly,


Quay Messner

National Prayer Coordinator
Operation Exodus USA

Pray with us!

To receive prayer points, complete and submit the Prayer Team Application below.  Please include the church you attend, your pastor’s name, and any other ministries you are involved with.


Please note, all prayer material must be treated confidentially, and only copied for distribution within prayer groups, specifically praying for Operation Exodus’ work. Prayer material is NOT to be casually handed out. Please remember that prayer material is not produced to promote Operation Exodus; the quarterly bulletins fulfil this particular function. Thank you for respecting the sensitivity of the work of Operation Exodus USA.

Prayer Information

Please select the Prayer Information you wish to receive below:

Mail Preference

You will recieve the Bi-Monthly Update by email only unless specified.

Get Involved

Change The Face of History


Join our intercessory team by signing up online, or call our office and let us know your desire to be a part of this effort.


Please consider contributing financially to the developing of this important work via a one-time or monthly recurring donation.


We are seeking excited, dedicated, and willing workers for various needs.  Make a choice to get involved today!

Pray for peace in Jerusalem.
    May all who love this city prosper.
O Jerusalem, may there be peace within your walls
    and prosperity in your palaces.
For the sake of my family and friends, I will say,
    “May you have peace.”
For the sake of the house of the Lord our God,
    I will seek what is best for you, O Jerusalem.
 Psalm 122:6-9

Operation Exodus USA National Financial Accountability Organization

Operation Exodus USA is a registered 501(c)3) non-profit organization has full accreditation with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). ECFA accreditation is based on the ECFA Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship, including financial accountability, transparency, sound board governance and ethical fund-raising. “We are pleased to include in our membership a ministry committed to [among other Aliyah related issues] assisting those whose families have been persecuted for being Jewish,” said Dan Busby, former president of ECFA.
ECFA, founded in 1979, provides accreditation to leading Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with the ECFA Standards pertaining to financial accountability, fund-raising and board governance. For more information about ECFA, including information about accreditation and a listing of ECFA-accredited members, visit or call 1-800-323-9473.

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