“The Key to the Middle East”

by Derek Prince

A Season for Every Purpose Under Heaven

This captivating book reveals God’s plans and seasons for Israel—in fact, for all nations—and what our future could look like. 

Change is guaranteed.  Sometimes we can get a bit anxious about the unknown, yet our hope and confidence are founded on knowing that God is in absolute control of everything.  He admonishes us—His disciples—to know, watch and recognize the season we are in.

The Key to the Middle East will bring you face-to-face with the God who reveals seasons, remembers, and lovingly fulfills His promises.

Remember, as you hear the news today, recall Jesus’ words, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33b (NIV)
Resources page - Operation Exodus USA Resources - A Christian Ministry helping Jews return to Israel. The key to the Middle East by Derek Prince.