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For His Name’s Sake

“To the Jews of the world… I say that Israel is waiting for you with open arms.”

Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

God has sovereignly brought together a series of extraordinary events to propel Operation Exodus USA forward with greater momentum.

As the Lord has wondrously caused these events to fall into place, we are launching a major initiative to go where the need is greatest. 

This initiative, For His Name’s Sake Campaign, has two major objectives:

To expand the presence and the awareness of Operation Exodus USA.

“…It is not for your sake, people of Israel, that I am going to do these things, but for the sake of my holy name, which you have profaned among the nations where you have gone… For I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land.’”


Ezekiel 36:22,24 (NIV)

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Strategic NYC Office

NYC Region

It’s estimated that, the New York City area is the temporary home of at least two million Jewish people, including 500,000 Russian-speaking Jews. 

Thousands desire to make Aliyah (immigrate to Israel), because of that we expect the numbers of Jewish people immigrating to Israel to rise.

From 2017 to 2018, OEUSA experienced a 61% increase of Jewish people we assisted to immigrate to Israel. We are positioning OEUSA to assist those that are unable to make Aliyah consequently without our support.

Therefore, to serve them well, we have immediate critical needs:

Financial Need

OEUSA needs your prayers and financial support to mobilize and prepare for an increase in Aliyah requests for assistance both this year and beyond. As we are able we give Aliyah grants to those in need.

Joshua & Yehudit

“I went to Israel to learn in 2007 and fell in love with the place and never looked back. I met my husband there in 2010 while he was getting his masters degree from Tel-aviv University. We got married and had our first child there. After he graduated we came to America for three years to teach. Now the three years are up and we have three children and we want to take them home. I already have Israeli citizenship but my husband will be making Aliyah for the first time.”

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Buffalo, NY & Beyond

Great Lakes Hub

As we move forward with plans for the New York City hub, concurrently we are strengthening our presence in the Great Lakes region through our National Office in Buffalo, NY.  At the same time, we are building and strengthening a network of volunteers across that region. Therefore, to serve the Jewish people well, our needs are critical:


“My name is Hagit and I am a proud parent to my daughter Kelly. Kelly has been volunteering for the past 4 years at the Israeli Scouts of Los Angeles. Along the way her determination to serve her country grew. A year ago Kelly decided to join a program that made her dream possible. Kelly is planning to make an Aliyah to Israel this coming summer. My husband and I are supportive of her decision. Sad to see her go, but know that she will shine and succeed in her new journey.”

Aliyah Icon Operation Exodus USA is a Christian Ministry that helps Jewish people go home (making Aliyah) to Israel.
Assist Additional Jewish Immigrants in Making Aliyah

Aliyah Grant Gifts

Financial Need

With your support, however, as we are able, we provide Aliyah grants to those in need of extra assistance.

For His Name's Sake aliyah grants Operation Exodus USA is a Christian Ministry that helps Jewish people go home (making Aliyah) to Israel. God's Purposes in Aliyah.
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Spreading the Heart of Aliyah Throughout the Church

National Awareness

Global events are unfolding quickly, and as a result, the urgency to build awareness is growing every day. Not surprisingly, we have found that once believers understand the prophetic times we live in, they are excited to join us in this effort. 

This is a message we must get out to the Church! Scriptures such as Isaiah 49:22 show that God has invited the Church to play a critical role in assisting Jewish people in their return to Israel.

For His Name’s Sake, together we must build awareness of what Aliyah is: exactly what it takes for a Jewish person to immigrate to Israel, explaining the costs, courage, and logistics involved in the move. Together, For His Name’s Sake, we must communicate to the Church the Jewish people’s God-inspired motivations to make Aliyah

To the Gentiles we need to communicate our biblical mandate, our compassionate motivations to serve those making Aliyah, and specifically the role Operation Exodus USA fills in the work of Aliyah. Together, For His Name’s Sake, we must also build awareness of the beautiful lives impacted by our organization.

One powerful way to get the word out is by telling the stories of Olim (Jewish immigrants) across the United States. To that end, we will collect and document the stories that have captivated our hearts, through their amazing Aliyah journey, and then share those stories with the world! 

Through contemporary messaging strategies, web, video, photos, social media, and grassroots efforts we consequently aim to speak with a clear voice to the Church, to elevate awareness and participation, and fulfill our mission… For His Name’s Sake.


“I am a Jew making Aliyah to Israel soon… I was a U.S. Marine who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan who is moving to Israel because it is where my heart and soul belongs; I am going there to heal from the war.”

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Partner with purpose!

For they were pleased to do it, and indeed they owe it to them. For if the Gentiles have come to share in their spiritual blessings, they ought also to be of service to them in material blessings.”

Romans 15:27 (ESV)

Get Involved

Change The Face of History


Join our intercessory team by signing up online, or call our office and let us know your desire to be a part of this effort.


Please consider contributing financially to the developing of this important work via a one-time or monthly recurring donation.


We are seeking excited, dedicated, and willing workers for various needs.  Make a choice to get involved today!

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For all inquiries for Aliyah applications, please do not fill out this form. Applications can be found at

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