Gifts and Sacrifices in Concert with HIS Eternal Plan NL blog



It was by faith that Abel obeyed God and brought an offering that pleased God more than Cain’s offering did. God accepted Abel and proved it by accepting his gift; and though Abel is long dead, we can still learn lessons from him about trusting God. Hebrews 11:4 TLB

     Operation Exodus USA (OEUSA), at its core, is an active and effectual intercessory ministry. Its Kingdom assignment is anchored in the hope of God’s eternal purpose found in His promise to return and restore Israel and the Jewish people. Through fervent intercession, we are called to exercise today’s faith to both seal the work accomplished thus far and to prepare the way for the work which remains, while actively participating in the daily, practical facilitation of Aliyah. We rejoice in its fruit as it comes – sometimes seen in large waves, but also in His faithful and relentless pursuit of the one – those making Aliyah.
     At OEUSA, we firstly desire to offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Lord for cultivating in us His love for His Jewish brethren and for calling us to practically demonstrate this love in accordance with His eternal plan of redemption and restoration. There is no greater privilege than to be entrusted to participate in the advancement of His purposes. Secondly, we have enormous gratitude to those whose hearts have borne witness to this call and have given of their lives and resources in support of this work.
     Christians are called to a priestly ministry to offer spiritual 

gifts and sacrifices to God through our High Priest, as each purposes in his/her own heart. We offer our talents, our worship, our intercessions, our time, and our finances. Clearly, this does not refer to the carnal heart, which is defined by self-will, emotions, or intellect. It describes the spirit of man, which when cultivated through a living relationship with the Godhead, yields to His will, His desires, His wisdom and understanding. By implication, that which is offered to God through the yielded spiritual heart is the offering, which is accepted and effectual.

     As we incline our hearts to hear the Lord’s heart, we can have strong confidence that by rightly mixing the faith that comes with this word of hearing, our offerings of intercession, love, labor, and finances will be found acceptable to our God and advance His eternal work. Let us faithfully pursue His heart that, through doing so, we may purpose in our own hearts to offer gifts and sacrifices that bear good fruit of eternal consequence.

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