Christians who cared by Wendy Becktt's 30 day devotion, God Keeps Covenant

God Keeps Covenant


Day 6
by Wendy D. Beckett
“Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.” Isaiah 40:1 NIV

Day 6 of God Keeps Covenant: Christians Who Cared.

Dr. Michael Brown has written a powerful book entitled Our Hands Are Stained with BloodThe Tragic Story of the “Church” and the Jewish People. In the midst of recounting the horrific mistreatment of Jews, Dr. Brown gives us a wonderful chapter entitled, “A Blessed and Beautiful Stream,” in which he acquaints the reader with a few of those who have stood out in history against this tide of anti-Semitic evil.

Of course many of these believers were the quiet ones who remained in obscurity. They were those who cried out to God in prayer for the Jewish people or who performed secret acts of kindness despite the personal danger. We know that many of these “righteous Gentiles,” (as the Jewish people call Christians who care for them) gave their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust. Corrie ten Boom’s family is one of the best-known examples (as depicted in the book and movie, The Hiding Place.)

Interestingly, many of the Puritans who shaped early America had a vision for Israel and held the hope that the Jewish people would return to their land and their Lord. Perhaps one of the reasons God has so blessed America has been the fact that many times through the years we have opened our arms to Jewish people fleeing the persecutions of Europe.

Samuel Rutherford, a famous Scottish Puritan, had a deep love for the Lord and His ancient people. I love this description from one of his letters quoted in Dr. Brown’s book:

O to see the sight, next to Christ’s Coming in the clouds, the most joyful! Our elder brother the Jews and Christ fall upon one another’s neck… They have been long asunder; … O longed-for and lovely day-dawn! …let me see that sight which will be as life from the dead, Thee and Thy ancient people in mutual embraces. (2)

In the early 1800s, the London Jews Society was formed. This organization encouraged Jews to immigrate to Israel and also established the first Protestant Jewish Church there. They opened schools and a hospital. The result was that, for the first time in 1,700 years, there were known to be Jewish people in Israel who came to believe in Jesus as the Messiah. During the intense persecutions in Russia in the 1880s, the London Jews Society helped the first Russian immigrants “home” to Israel.

Even Queen Victoria, who reigned on the British throne for more than 50 years in the last half of the 1800s, strongly supported a homeland for the Jewish people.

In today’s Scripture from Isaiah, whom is the Lord addressing? Could it be that He is actually stirring all of us in the Church to “comfort” His chosen people? I believe so!

Thank You, Lord, that You have always had a faithful remnant in the Church who has understood Your great heart of love for Your covenant people. Thank You that down through the centuries there have been those who have heeded Paul’s warnings and have blessed the Jews. May there be more and more Christians who are inspired to “comfort” with an unconditional love, these dear people who have suffered so much.

Gifts and Sacrifices

Gifts and Sacrifices in Concert with HIS Eternal Plan NL blog



It was by faith that Abel obeyed God and brought an offering that pleased God more than Cain’s offering did. God accepted Abel and proved it by accepting his gift; and though Abel is long dead, we can still learn lessons from him about trusting God. Hebrews 11:4 TLB

     Operation Exodus USA (OEUSA), at its core, is an active and effectual intercessory ministry. Its Kingdom assignment is anchored in the hope of God’s eternal purpose found in His promise to return and restore Israel and the Jewish people. Through fervent intercession, we are called to exercise today’s faith to both seal the work accomplished thus far and to prepare the way for the work which remains, while actively participating in the daily, practical facilitation of Aliyah. We rejoice in its fruit as it comes – sometimes seen in large waves, but also in His faithful and relentless pursuit of the one – those making Aliyah.
     At OEUSA, we firstly desire to offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Lord for cultivating in us His love for His Jewish brethren and for calling us to practically demonstrate this love in accordance with His eternal plan of redemption and restoration. There is no greater privilege than to be entrusted to participate in the advancement of His purposes. Secondly, we have enormous gratitude to those whose hearts have borne witness to this call and have given of their lives and resources in support of this work.
     Christians are called to a priestly ministry to offer spiritual

gifts and sacrifices to God through our High Priest, as each purposes in his/her own heart. We offer our talents, our worship, our intercessions, our time, and our finances. Clearly, this does not refer to the carnal heart, which is defined by self-will, emotions, or intellect. It describes the spirit of man, which when cultivated through a living relationship with the Godhead, yields to His will, His desires, His wisdom and understanding. By implication, that which is offered to God through the yielded spiritual heart is the offering, which is accepted and effectual.

     As we incline our hearts to hear the Lord’s heart, we can have strong confidence that by rightly mixing the faith that comes with this word of hearing, our offerings of intercession, love, labor, and finances will be found acceptable to our God and advance His eternal work. Let us faithfully pursue His heart that, through doing so, we may purpose in our own hearts to offer gifts and sacrifices that bear good fruit of eternal consequence.

Prophetic Confirmation

prophetic confirmation chapter 3 of Why Isreal? by Derek Prince

Prophetic Confirmation

Why Israel?

Chapter 3

In this chapter, I would like to introduce another distinct feature of the Jewish people—one which reinforces the certainty that they are absolutely unique: their entire history was foretold in prophecy. That fact is not true of any other nation. The whole history of the Jewish people from Abraham onward was foretold in prophecy in the Bible.

I have listed below the sixteen stages showing the outworking of prophetic predictions concerning Israel. The first three were given to Abraham.

    1. Israel’s enslavement in Egypt (predicted in Genesis 15:13).
    2. Israel’s deliverance with wealth from Egypt (predicted in Genesis 15:14, where Abraham was told they would come out with many possessions. The remarkable fact is that although they had been slaves for nearly four hundred years, in one night—one period of twenty-four hours—they became wealthy with the wealth of the Egyptians).
    3. Their possession of the Land of Canaan (predicted to Abraham in Genesis 13:12-17).
    4. Their turn to idolatry in the Promised Land (predicted in Deuteronomy 28: 26, and certainly fulfilled).
    5. Establishment by God of a center of worship in Jerusalem (predicted in Psalm 132:13).
    6. The captivity of the Northern Kingdom, called Israel, by Assyria (predicted in Isaiah 7:17).
    7. The captivity of the Southern Kingdom, called Judah, by Babylon (predicted in Jeremiah 21:7).
    8. The destruction of the first temple, the one built by Solomon (predicted in detail in 1 Kings 9:8).
    9. The return of a small remnant from Babylon (predicted in Jeremiah 29:10).
    10. The destruction of the second temple, the one that stood in the days of Jesus (predicted in detail by Jesus in Matthew 24:1-2).
    11. The scattering of Israel among the nations, also referred to as the Gentiles, because of their disobedience (predicted in numerous scriptures, for example Leviticus 26:33).
    12. The persecution and oppression of Israel among the Gentiles (predicted in Leviticus 26:38- 39). That prediction has been and is continuing to be fulfilled.
    13. Regathering of Jewish people from all nations (predicted in many places, such as Jeremiah 33). This prophecy is being realized before our eyes. It is important for us to appreciate that its fulfillment is occurring.

Thus far, thirteen of the prophetic predictions have been fulfilled in history. I believe three more remain to be completed:

  1. The gathering of all nations against Jerusalem in war (predicted in Luke 21:20).
  2. The supernatural revelation of Messiah to His people (predicted in Zechariah 12:10).
  3. The coming of Messiah in glory and power to establish His Kingdom on earth (predicted in many places, including Jude 14,15).
With thirteen of the sixteen predictions fulfilled, that makes an accuracy rating at present of around eighty-one percent. With this in mind, it is fair to say we should not be regarded as crazy fanatics if we believe that the remaining three predictions will be accomplished. Some people consider Christians to have strange beliefs. But to me—as a professional logician before I became a preacher—it is logical to believe that if a book can predict thirteen events in advance with correctness and accuracy, any other predictions such a book gives should be taken seriously.


A look into history day 5 devotion by Wendy Beckett

A Look Into History

God Keeps Covenant

Day 5

by Wendy D. Beckett

“…do not boast… Do not be arrogant.” (Romans 11:18 & 20)

Day 5 of God Keeps Covenant: A Look Into History.

A devotional may seem to be a strange place to discuss history. Sadly however, many in the Church today have no idea how much persecution has been inflicted on the Jewish people in the name of Christ. So our key Scripture for today is Paul’s warning resounding down through the centuries to all who will hear: “Do not be arrogant.” Regrettably, many have ignored Paul’s plea.

The apostles were scarcely in their graves when key leaders in the early church began turning against the Jews. By the time Christianity became accepted throughout the Roman Empire, every vestige of Jewishness had been erased from the Church. Jewish people who became Christians were forbidden to keep Saturday as the Sabbath, or to celebrate the feasts commanded by the Lord through Moses.

Expulsion, forced conversion and violence mar the pages of the history of Christian Europe as the separation between Christian and Jew continued to widen. Even many of the holiest and most respected church fathers were virulently anti-Semitic. (1)

The Crusades, between 1000 and 1200 AD, became an excuse to eradicate as many Jews as possible as fanatic knights and their followers rampaged through cities and towns on their way to the Holy Land. Once in Jerusalem, these men, convinced they were doing God’s will, slaughtered Jews as well as Muslims until the blood literally ran through the streets.

In Europe in the late 1200s, a story circulated widely that Jews were kidnapping Christian children, slaughtering them, drinking their blood and using it to make their Passover bread. Untold thousands of Jewish people lost their lives in the ensuing centuries because of this preposterous lie. These accusations continued in Eastern Europe well into the last century and still surface today in Muslim countries. How difficult this is to comprehend!

Down through the centuries, persecutions and mass expulsions took place in England, France, Spain, Russia and Eastern Europe. Between 1440 and 1808, 30,000 Jews were burned at the stake in Spain and thousands more in Portugal and Mexico.

Even Martin Luther (1500s) in his later years joined the ranks of those who vilified the Jews and desired their destruction.  It has been said that Luther’s angry outbursts against them helped Hitler justify his purges and death camps.

 It is estimated that in the centuries before the Holocaust 7,000,000 Jewish people were slaughtered by those confessing to be Christians. Then during World War II another 6,000,000 were annihilated.

Where was the Lord in all those centuries of suffering? I believe He was weeping with His people. In all their affliction He was afflicted.” (Isaiah 63:9 NKJV) He was also weeping over His Church. He had left such clear instructions to love.

Lord, what horrors You have looked upon! Our hearts break that Paul’s warning was not heeded and that the Jewish people have had to suffer so intensely for so long! Cleanse us, Your Church, from any remaining arrogance.

Alarming Anti-Semitism



By John Prosser, President OEUSA

For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay. Habakkuk 2:3 NIV

The war against Israel continues, driven by the relentless pursuit of the anti-Christ spirit to murder Jewish people and annihilate the nation. This evil threat echoes with unmistakable clarity in the present. The resounding voices of anti-Semitism in the US are displaying a shocking lack of restraint, openly expressing vicious hatred and murderous intent. May the horrific events of October 7, 2023, serve as a stark reminder to Jewish people that only their God can uphold them with His righteous right hand; may the phrase “Never Again” reinforce their resolve to seek their God and cry to Him for His help.

This alarming trend is a harbinger for the greater Aliyah, creating a unique quandary for millions of American Jews unaware of the urgent need to take action. A large percentage of the Jewish population disregards many clarion voices warning them that now is the time to make Aliyah.

As we visit Orthodox communities in New York State, it is difficult to miss the expansion of new housing developments, schools, and even shopping malls. While many thrive in their businesses and commerce, there is a stark contrast and diversity in Jewish life in the tri-state region.

Some Orthodox religious communities live in poverty, just a short distance away from more opulent and secular Jewish communities.

The Church must rise up in persistent and fervent prayers to undergird and support the work of Aliyah in times of great distress. The declaration and proclamation of God’s Word are the only weapons that remove the obstacles on the Aliyah Highway.  Christians cannot afford to remain silent, for silence is the greatest sin of all. 

Aliyah is a holy work that only God can bring about – in His way, in His timing! Wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay! Presently, over half of the Jewish population in the US is expressing fear, feeling less safe than they did just a few years ago. May God give them the understanding that Israel is the safest place for them. As an Aliyah ministry, we continue to evaluate our ability to provide aid in new and unconventional ways in anticipation of a significant increase in Aliyah. At the close of last year, we had several opportunities to assist new Olim in Israel – to help them settle and feel safe in the Land.

Because of the rise of global anti-Semitism, the Jewish Agency for Israel predicts that a million Jewish people will make Aliyah within the next two years, mostly from the West. The LORD promises in Ezekiel 37:12 that He will open the graves of exile of His people and cause them to rise again. Then He will bring them back to the land of Israel.

We invite you, our friends and partners, to stand with us – declaring our unwavering support for Israel and solidarity with our Jewish friends. Together, let us raise our voices to uphold the truth of God’s prophetic Word and the covenant He made with Israel – giving the land to them as their inheritance for all generations. Thank you for your prayers and your support on behalf of the LORD’s holy work of Aliyah.


Operation Exodus USA Home page Christians helping Jews making Aliyah, going home to Israel, Zion. We're an Aliyah organization.


For Zion’s sake I will not hold My peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until her righteousness goes forth as brightness and her salvation as a lamp that burns. Isaiah 62:1 NKJV

We, the Board of Directors and Leadership of Operation Exodus USA (OEUSA), would like to join the Ebenezer Operation Exodus International Board of Directors in our support for the State of Israel. We vehemently and categorically denounce all acts of terrorism committed against Israel and Jewish people. We stand against the horrific anti-Semitic incidents that are widespread in the US and other countries.

We, the International Board of Ebenezer Operation Exodus, along with Ebenezer workers and volunteers in more than 50 nations worldwide, declare our unwavering and united support for the State of Israel, and our unequivocal condemnation of all acts of terrorism perpetrated by Hamas, as well as all recent acts of antisemitism manifested in many nations.

We share the shock, pain, loss, and anguish of the Jewish people both in the land of Israel and in the diaspora at the unfolding horror and brutality carried out by Hamas in civilian neighborhoods, at a music festival, and throughout southern Israel. 

We call on the international media, all nations of the earth and their governments, and all actors in public life to denounce Hamas as a terrorist organization.

We make clear that the terrorist actions of Hamas have no justification, no legitimacy, and must be universally condemned.

We call for the immediate release of all the remaining hostages kidnapped by Hamas and still under captivity We support Israel in its right and efforts to defend itself and its people against such atrocities according to humanitarian and international law.

Jews in any nation should not fear consequences as a result of actions taken by the State of Israel to defend itself. The governments of nations must do everything in their power to protect Israel’s rights.



1. God loves Israel and the Jewish people with His steadfast and permanent love, as proclaimed in Jeremiah 31:3-9.

2. God’s covenant with Abraham and his descendants, as expressed in Genesis 12:3, signifies that the peoples and nations who bless Israel, will be blessed by God, and the peoples and nations who curse Israel, will be cursed by God. God gives a severe warning to any nation coming against Jerusalem, in Zechariah 12:1-9.

3. God has made an eternal covenant with Israel, giving the land of Israel to the Jewish people as their heritage and everlasting homeland. God is faithful and keeps His promises forever (Genesis 17:7-9; Psalm 105:8-11).

4. God calls all nations and governments to recognize Israel’s right to exist, in accordance with Zechariah 2:8.

5. We support the nation of Israel, and her right to exist in peace, her right to prosper, as well as her right to defend her people against all threats from her enemies.
Therefore, we stand with Israel for her right to determine the future of the Jewish people, and for her right to defend herself and to live within secure borders.


Blog - Operation Exodus USA - A Christian Ministry helping Jews return to Israel. Refining by Minister Phillip Israelson.


By Minister Phillip Israelson

Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. James 1:2-3 AMPC

Now is the season of winter. Winter can be a time for trimming and pruning trees, shrubs, and plants with overgrowth or dead branches; cutting back rose bushes; putting down the last fertilizer for lawns and plants; then waiting for spring to bring new life and growth to all vegetation. So it is with our spiritual life in Christ.

All of Jesus’ disciples went through spiritual changes during seasons with various trials and tribulations, pressures and sufferings. All of Scripture tells of, or refers to, the trials and tribulations of the nation of Israel. The apostle Paul writes to the Corinthian church, “Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.”  1 Corinthians 10:11 NKJV

Today, both the nation of Israel and the true body of Christ are being refined: Israel through war and antisemitism; and the true body of Messiah through its stand with the Lord for His chosen land and people, as well as personal refinement for purity of spirit, soul, and body.

Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. James 1:2-3 AMPC

The word refiner has been defined as “one who refines the precious metals, as silver or gold, by causing them to pass repeatedly through the furnace till their dross is taken away.” The goal of the Lord is to make all His servants pure and mature. This cannot be done without the testing of our faith and repenting of any dead works in our lives.

Can this stump live again?

In my book The Smallest Step of Obedience I relate a vision that the Lord gave me when I was struggling to know if He wanted me to be in full-time ministry or not. I had always been active in church work since the time I was born again and filled with the Holy Spirit at age sixteen – speaking on the street corners of downtown Seattle, Washington, praying for men at a city mission, or visiting seniors in a retirement home. After my wife Carolyn and I were married, we were active in teaching Sunday school, singing, or helping with youth activities after work during the week. We raised our children in church as much as in our Christian home. Our lives were full of church activities.

The Lord began to increase the desire in my heart to be used of Him in a greater way. I was beginning to have more fellowship with businessmen and laymen that God was using to pray for the sick and see them healed. These ordinary men were praying for people to be filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues, and it was happening. I desired to be used of God like that.

In prayer one day, I was given a vision of a tree standing in front of me. A tall and beautiful tree with broad green leaves, like an Israeli fig tree. The Spirit spoke to me and said, “Go and pick the fruit on the tree.” I went over and pushed the leaves apart to find the fruit. As I went around the tree, I could not find any. I looked higher and still did not see any. Finally, I looked up to the very top, way above my head, and saw three or four pieces of fruit. I could not reach them and said so to the Lord.

It was silent for a while, and then the Spirit revealed to me that this tree represented my Christian life. My life was full of good church works and other Christian service, but it had not produced fruit that had come from the life of God, fruit that would remain. This was a revelation to me! Then the Lord asked, “Would you be willing to let Me cut down that tree?”

The next picture in front of me was of a stump in the ground. It was excruciating because I understood that the Lord wanted to cut down everything that I had tried to do for Him for seventeen years. I saw the disappearance of my reputation, my way of doing things for God, and, basically, having to start over in the light of this revelation.

Could I trust that the Lord would make something happen with this stump in the ground? The thought scared me! Was He able and willing to cause this stump to be a tree again and bear fruits of righteousness His way? At this time, I chose to believe that God was able to do it. With all my heart, I wanted to be a fruitful life in God’s hand.

And though a tenth [of the people] remain in the land, it will be for them destruction [eaten up and burned] like a terebinth tree or like an oak whose stump and substance remain when they are felled or have cast their leaves. The holy seed [the elect remnant] is the stump and substance [of Israel]. Isaiah 6:13 AMPC

A warning to the Hebrews and God’s chosen people

In the book of Hebrews, the writer emphasizes the need for messianic believers to separate themselves from the old Mosaic covenant of works for righteousness and to have a clear understanding that there is now a new and better covenant in Messiah Jesus: ‘Jesus is our righteousness. Works for salvation will not get you saved. There is now a new and living way to daily live unto God, through faith in the work that Jesus did on the cross once for all.’ In the fifth chapter, the writer is alarmed and stops his continuance of this wonderful revelation, realizing by the Spirit that the readers are “dull of hearing.” He must go back and remind them of elementary doctrine in the sixth chapter.

The first elementary teaching there is “repentance from dead works.” This is a good reminder today for all servants of God. Take time and reflect on your whole journey with the Lord. In all seriousness, how much of your life is filled with righteous fruit that remains? Are you satisfied that you have fulfilled what the Lord called and chosen you for? Are you daily leaning on Him to live by the Spirit?

The biblical definition of a “dead work” is anything that does not have the life of God in it. We are living in a time of refining within the true believer in Jesus. As the Hebrew writer exclaimed, “We have much to say about this but…many are slow to learn” (5:11). At present, many of God’s people and churches are filled with dead works like those mentioned in the book of Revelation’s letters to the churches. Any program or decision should be birthed in prayer, by praying in the Holy Spirit. In local churches and organizations, whenever appointments are to be made, leaders should select only Godly men and women full of the Holy Spirit – not just with speaking in tongues, but full of the Spirit.

Look at the life of Jesus. His works were not His own. His words were not His own. The only way to live a life without dead works is to live a life filled with the Holy Spirit. “…and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey Him.”  (Acts 5:32 KJV) The Holy Spirit will not allow Himself to be mixed with sin and fleshly desires.

Let’s look at our own individual lives and see what is not working. Survey your life in honesty: Is there anything not working in my life? In my marriage? In my business? In my service with God? In my relationship with others?

Repent from dead works and live with faith toward God.

Let’s pray: “Father, I come to you in Jesus’ name and ask that you show me any dead works in my life. I submit to the refining fire to burn out any dross in my heart and life, so that there will be life in all I do and say! Amen.”

God Keeps Covenant Day 4 Blog

God keeps Covenant Day 4 blog


God Keeps Covenant

Day 4

by Wendy D. Beckett

“For the Lord comforts his people 
and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.
But Zion said, ‘the Lord has forsaken me…’
Can a mother forget the baby at her breast
and have no compassion on the child she has borne?
Though she may forget, I will not forget you!
See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.”
(Isaiah 49:13-16)

God Keeps Covenant Day 4: I remember a tense moment in a gathering of Christians and Jews just before the movie, “The Passion of the Christ,” was released. The question was asked, “Did the Jews put Jesus on the cross?” Every eye was riveted on the speaker. “No!” he said. “Our sins put Jesus on the cross!” Oh! If only the Church had given such an answer down through its history!

So many Christians through the centuries have believed not only that the Jews were responsible for Jesus’ death but also that God has utterly forsaken them. These Christians think the Church has completely taken the place of the Jewish people as the “Chosen” of God. The history of most of the last 2,000 years would seem to support their belief. 

However, we have examined the Lord’s promises that His love and His Covenant are forever. Does “forever” not apply as well to the last two millennia? Perhaps the following Scriptures give us a clue. 

For a brief moment I abandoned you, (Remember 1,000 years is as a day)
but with deep compassion I will bring you back. 

…I hid my face from you for a moment,
But with everlasting kindness I will have compassion on you.”
(Isaiah 54: 7 & 8)

“No longer will they call you Deserted, or name your land Desolate.
…for the Lord will take delight in you.”
(Isaiah 62:4)

“I will plant her for myself in the land;
I will show my love to the one I called ‘Not my loved one.’
I will say to those called ‘Not my people,’
‘You are my people’;
and they will say, ‘You are my God.’” (Hosea 2:23)

Paul asks the believers in Rome who were struggling with anti-Jewish emotions: “Did God reject his people? … Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery?”
“Not at all!” comes his resounding answer. (Romans 11:1&11)

Lord, thank you that You have not forgotten or rejected Your ancient people. You are a faithful God who keeps Covenant and loves unconditionally. Thank You that You are again showing Your compassion to the Jewish people. Help us to love those whom You love – those who are “engraved on the palms of (Your) hands.”

Ari & Lanie

our olim We are a Christian ministry that helps Jewish people make Aliyah (immigrate to Israel) from the USA to their home in Israel. Operation Exodus USA is an Aliyah organization.

We are a family of 6 that has always loved the Land of Israel…, and want to live among our people and for life to revolve around Judaism rather than needing Judaism to revolve around American life.”

Why Israel Chapter 2

why israel chapter 2 by Derek Prince

Distinct Features

Why Israel?

by Derek Prince

God’s Heart for a People, His Plan for a Nation

Chapter 2

Distinct Features

In our last chapter, we discussed Israel’s unique positioning. This chapter will continue the discussion of some of this nation’s distinct features.

In Exodus 19:6, we see God’s promise to Israel while they were gathered at the foot of Mount Sinai—before He had given them the law and the commandments. God tells Moses to inform the Israelites:

And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

There is no other nation to whom God has ever spoken those words.

Messiah Came through the Jews

In Romans 9 verses 4 and 5, Paul lists a number of distinctive features which apply only to Israel and to the Jews. In speaking about his kinsmen whom he calls Israelites, Paul makes the following points:

  • To whom pertain the adoption, [God adopted them as a nation, as His people]
  • the glory, [that is the manifest supernatural presence of God which was with Israel as long as they walked in obedience]
  • the covenants, [all the covenants in the Bible are made with Israel except the ones made before Israel was a nation]
  • the giving of the law, [the law was given only to Israel]
  • the priestly service of God, [was given only to Israel]
  • and the promises; [the promises were also only given to Israel. And then Paul says,]
  • of whom are the fathers, [let’s remember that all the patriarchs are from that lineage, from no other stock but that of Israel. And finally]
  • of whom, according to the flesh, Messiah [Christ] came

This last point is the most distinctive of all the features. It was through the Jewish people—through Israel—that Jesus Christ, the Messiah, came to the world. His coming was not through any other people than the Jews.

Salvation Is of the Jews

Another distinctive feature about Israel is revealed in a most important statement about the Jewish people in John 4:22. Jesus is speaking to a Samaritan woman:

You [Samaritans] worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.

This last statement consists of just five words: “salvation is of the Jews.” But they are five breath-taking words. Where did salvation come from? From the Jews. This is the startling reality: no Jews, no salvation

I am a Gentile. But I freely declare that my whole spiritual inheritance, and every spiritual blessing I have ever enjoyed, I owe to one people—the Jewish people. As I have said, without them there are no patriarchs, no prophets, no apostles, no Bible, and no Savior. How much salvation would you or I have without those five components? None! Salvation is of the Jews. We had better remember that truth and conduct ourselves accordingly.