Let us join together in fervent prayer to this powerful prayer for America and Israel by Derek Prince.


By Derek Prince

Together, let us pray this powerful prayer for America and Israel.

Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we come to You in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ, redeemed by His blood, committed to serve and follow Him. We come to You as Your believing people, Your representatives in this earth, the agents of Your government in the earth. We lift up to You this nation of ours, the United States of America. We thank You for the many centuries of special grace and mercy that You have granted to this nation. We thank You for the Godly seeds that have been sown over the centuries by men of faith who have followed in Your footsteps—labored, sacrificed, prayed, and given for Your Kingdom.

LORD, we desire that these godly seeds shall develop into a harvest that shall be reaped for Your purposes. We ask You to extend Your grace and mercy to this nation. We ask You to send a mighty visitation of the Holy Spirit that will overthrow the strongholds of Satan and uplift and glorify the name of the LORD Jesus Christ. We ask you for a mighty floodtide of spiritual revival that will sweep across this nation, casting down everything that opposes itself against the knowledge of God.

And we commit to You now specifically the forthcoming elections and all of the political processes involved. We take our stand in Jesus’ name against every satanic principality and power that would seek to exercise control in these elections. We break their power; we release the elective and the governmental processes from their control, and we put them in Your hands. We pray that You will raise up the men and women of Your choice; put down those who will oppose and stand against Your purposes for this nation.

LORD, we do believe that You have a special destiny for the United States, and we pray that nothing that Satan will do will be able to hinder that destiny.

We also pray, LORD, for the relationship of the United States to Israel. That You will keep Your hand upon it and that You will also guide and overrule, to the benefit of Israel. That this nation will not turn against Israel or take its stand among the enemies of Israel. That You will graciously use this nation continually to support and uphold Your people, Israel, and their state.

LORD, we ask all these things, believing them to be Your will and believing them to be for Your glory, in the precious all prevailing name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Savior. AMEN!


Operation Exodus USA Home page Christians helping Jews making Aliyah, going home to Israel, Zion. We're an Aliyah organization. Read Declaration of Support for Israel


For Zion’s sake I will not hold My peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until her righteousness goes forth as brightness and her salvation as a lamp that burns. Isaiah 62:1 NKJV

We, the Board of Directors and Leadership of Operation Exodus USA (OEUSA), would like to join the Ebenezer Operation Exodus International Board of Directors in our support for the State of Israel. We vehemently and categorically denounce all acts of terrorism committed against Israel and Jewish people. We stand against the horrific anti-Semitic incidents that are widespread in the US and other countries.

We, the International Board of Ebenezer Operation Exodus, along with Ebenezer workers and volunteers in more than 50 nations worldwide, declare our unwavering and united support for the State of Israel, and our unequivocal condemnation of all acts of terrorism perpetrated by Hamas, as well as all recent acts of antisemitism manifested in many nations.

We share the shock, pain, loss, and anguish of the Jewish people both in the land of Israel and in the diaspora at the unfolding horror and brutality carried out by Hamas in civilian neighborhoods, at a music festival, and throughout southern Israel. 

We call on the international media, all nations of the earth and their governments, and all actors in public life to denounce Hamas as a terrorist organization.

We make clear that the terrorist actions of Hamas have no justification, no legitimacy, and must be universally condemned.

We call for the immediate release of all the remaining hostages kidnapped by Hamas and still under captivity We support Israel in its right and efforts to defend itself and its people against such atrocities according to humanitarian and international law.

Jews in any nation should not fear consequences as a result of actions taken by the State of Israel to defend itself. The governments of nations must do everything in their power to protect Israel’s rights.



1. God loves Israel and the Jewish people with His steadfast and permanent love, as proclaimed in Jeremiah 31:3-9.

2. God’s covenant with Abraham and his descendants, as expressed in Genesis 12:3, signifies that the peoples and nations who bless Israel, will be blessed by God, and the peoples and nations who curse Israel, will be cursed by God. God gives a severe warning to any nation coming against Jerusalem, in Zechariah 12:1-9.

3. God has made an eternal covenant with Israel, giving the land of Israel to the Jewish people as their heritage and everlasting homeland. God is faithful and keeps His promises forever. (Genesis 17:7-9; Psalm 105:8-11).

4. God calls all nations and governments to recognize Israel’s right to exist, in accordance with Zechariah 2:8.

5. We support the nation of Israel, and her right to exist in peace, her right to prosper, as well as her right to defend her people against all threats from her enemies.
Therefore, we stand with Israel for her right to determine the future of the Jewish people, and for her right to defend herself and to live within secure borders.





O Israel, hope in the LORD! For with the LORD there is steadfast love, and with him is plentiful redemption. Psalm 130:7 ESV

Kristallnacht, also known as the “November Pogroms” or the “Night of Broken Glass,” was a shocking act of anti-Semitic violence against Jewish people that occurred during the lead-up to the Holocaust in World War II. This violent event unfolded on the night of November 9–10, 1938, in Nazi Germany. This was a well-organized attack orchestrated by Nazi paramilitary forces and civilians targeting Jewish people.

The name “Kristallnacht” originated from the widespread shattering of glass from windows in Jewish-owned establishments, synagogues and residences during this hateful event. The violence was instigated and sanctioned by the Nazi regime, which had been escalating its anti-Semitic policies and propaganda since taking power in 1933. This resulted in the death of at least 91 Jewish people, thousands more were arrested, and countless Jewish owned properties were destroyed.

This event served as a turning point in the history of the Holocaust, signifying a shift from anti-Semitic legislation and discrimination to violent, organized attacks on the Jewish population. It foreshadowed the horrors that would unfold during the Holocaust, including the systematic murder of six million Jewish people. Kristallnacht stands as a solemn reminder of the consequences that can arise when a society remains silent in the face of unchecked hatred and acts of violence against Jewish people.

On October 7, 2023, we witnessed the deadliest day in Israel and Jewish history since the Holocaust. Today, we continue to witness an alarming and dangerous escalation of anti-Semitism since that horrific attack in Israel. It is shocking and deeply disturbing to see the level of hatred and rage that has erupted in our nation and around the world against our Jewish brothers and sisters.

As Christians, we bear a tremendous responsibility before God to be our brothers’ keepers. We are those whom the LORD has called to carry His sons and daughters back to their God-given land, Israel (Isa. 49:22). We owe the Jewish people a profound debt; therefore, let us remain steadfast in our prayers, love, and support for Israel, all Jewish people in the land, and those in the diaspora. We cannot stand by silently at this critical crossroads for Israel, its people, and the nations. Let us persevere, building ourselves up in our most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keeping ourselves in God’s love as we wait upon Him to bring about the fullness of His redemptive plan for Israel and all the nations. For His Holy Name’s Sake!

We will continue to stand strong in our commitment to support Israel and her people. Your generosity, both in prayer and financial support, is the driving force that enables us to offer crucial assistance to Jewish people returning to Israel. The challenges ahead are significant, and we must make provision for their safety and meet all their needs as they navigate the many challenges and dangers they may encounter on their Aliyah journey. Please prayerfully consider making a gift to bless our Jewish brothers and sisters. Thank you!

To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept for Yeshua the Messiah: May mercy, love and shalom be yours in full measure. Now, to the one who can keep you from falling and set you without defect and full of joy in the presence of his Sh’khinah — to God alone, our Deliverer, through Yeshua the Messiah, our Lord — be glory, majesty, power and authority before all time, now and forever. Jude 1-2, 24-25 CJB

In God We Trust!

John Prosser


Operation Exodus USA Stands with Israel. We are a Christian ministry helping Jews make Aliyah (going home to Israel) to Israel. We're an Aliyah organization.


ADONAI brings to nothing the plans of nations, he foils the plans of the peoples. But the counsel of ADONAI stands forever, his heart’s plans are for all generations. How blessed is the nation whose God is ADONAI, the people he chose as his heritage! A king is not saved by the size of his army, a strong man not delivered by his great strength. To rely on a horse for safety is vain, nor does its great power assure escape. But ADONAI’s eyes watch over those who fear him, over those who wait for his grace to rescue them from death and keep them alive in famine. We are waiting for ADONAI; he is our help and shield. For in him our hearts rejoice, because we trust in his holy name. May your mercy, ADONAI, be over us, because we put our hope in you.

Psalm 33:10-12, 16-22 CJB

Operation Exodus USA stands with Israel and her people as they face this horrific war imposed upon them. We are united in prayer, trusting and believing in the LORD to once again deliver Israel and its people from the devastating scourge of terrorist attacks and the grim shadow of war that has fallen upon them. Our hearts are heavy as we witness the courage and resilience of our Jewish brothers and sisters in the face of this perilous crisis. Their strength and determination are an inspiration to us all.

Israel urgently needs our fervent and unceasing prayers, love, and support as never before! Join us now as we stand together, proclaiming and declaring God’s eternal plans and purposes to restore and redeem all of Israel! We thank God that Israel is walking in unity as they protect themselves against the destruction of their enemies.

Our prayers will bring comfort and strength to the people of Israel. We are thanking God for each one of you standing on the wall in passionate intercession for Israel—your highly anointed and effective prayers are a sweet aroma unto the LORD! Thank you for your love, friendship and support.

For those who are not members of our national prayer network, we extend an invitation to join us in praying for Israel and her people through specific and impactful prayer points.  You can participate by clicking on the following link:

For the latest news from Israel, please read CBN’s report below:

Israel Prepares for Long and Drawn-Out War
CHRIS MITCHELL – CBN NEWS ISRAEL – Latest Report as of 10/12/2023

JERUSALEM, Israel – President Isaac Herzog told foreign journalists Thursday that Israel is preparing for a “long and drawn-out campaign against Hamas” as the Israel Defense Forces continued to hammer Hamas targets inside the Gaza Strip and amassed troops on the border for a potential ground invasion. Israel says the heavy airstrikes are crippling Hamas despite the terror group still firing rockets into southern Israel. “We are destroying Hamas’s ability to function as a sovereign; it is no longer managing to administer Gaza,” Israel’s top military spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said Thursday.

Casualties Rise as War Rages On
Meanwhile, the death toll continues to climb. More than 1,300 Israelis have been killed since Hamas’ assault began, and Gaza officials say at least 1,200 people have died in the airstrikes. Israel ordered a “complete siege” of Gaza after Hamas went on a murderous rampage in southern Israel. Egypt has rejected proposals to establish humanitarian corridors out of Gaza for Palestinians fleeing the fighting, raising concerns about a humanitarian crisis. Energy Minister Israel Katz said Thursday that no electricity or water will be supplied to Gaza until the hostages Hamas took are returned. “Humanitarian aid to Gaza? No electrical switch will be turned on, no water pump will be opened and no fuel truck will enter until the Israeli abductees are returned home,” he posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. “Humanitarianism for humanitarianism. And no one can preach morality to us.”

Netanyahu Forms Emergency Unity Government
On Wednesday night, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced a national emergency government with Benny Gantz, former IDF Chief of Staff, and head of the National Unity Party. “People of Israel, tonight we created a national emergency government. Israel is united, and tonight its leaders are united too. We’ve put aside every other consideration because the fate of our country is laid on the table,” said Netanyahu. Netanyahu expressed horror at what Hamas has done, saying, “We saw boys and girls bound, who were shot in the head. Men and women burned alive. Young women who were raped and slaughtered. Soldiers who were beheaded.”

Hamas’ Terror Exposed
After a three-day battle, IDF forces took back the village of Be’eri. Major General Itai Veruv described what happened, saying, “People that were captured, their hands were locked, and someone kills them, children in the same room, and someone came and killed them all. Fifteen girls, teenagers, were put in the same room, they threw a hand grenade, and it’s over. This is a massacre. This is a pogrom.” Israeli leaders compared Hamas to ISIS and found an ISIS flag in a kibbutz taken over by Hamas terrorists. Up north, a false alarm sent a million Israelis into bomb shelters on Wednesday night, but the situation remains tense with many wary of an attack by Hezbollah and a two-front war. The IDF has deployed reservists to the Israeli towns on the border with Lebanon to ensure the safety of the residents.

US Working to Rescue Hostages & Supply Military Aid
Israel estimates Hamas kidnapped more than 160 hostages from numerous nations, including Israelis. President Joe Biden told a roundtable of Jewish leaders that he is “doing a lot” to rescue those Americans held hostage by Hamas, stating, “We want to make it real clear we’re working on every aspect of the hostage crisis in Israel, including deploying experts to advise and assist with recovery efforts … I have not given up hope of bringing these folks home.” The U.S. administration is rushing resources to Israel, including a carrier strike group, F-35 and F-15 fighter jets, needed ammunition, and interceptors to replenish the Iron Dome aerial defense system. Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived Thursday in a show of US support and meetings with Netanyahu.

Meanwhile, concerns are growing of further violence after former Hamas leader Khaled Mashal called on Muslims worldwide to stage a day of jihad holy war on Friday, October 13th.    

In God We Trust!

John Prosser and the OEUSA Team

Pray for peace in Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper. O Jerusalem, may there be peace within your walls and prosperity in your palaces. For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, “May you have peace.” For the sake of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek what is best for you, O Jerusalem.  Psalm 122:6-9 NLT