Let us join together in fervent prayer to this powerful prayer for America and Israel by Derek Prince.


By Derek Prince

Together, let us pray this powerful prayer for America and Israel.

Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, we come to You in the name of the LORD Jesus Christ, redeemed by His blood, committed to serve and follow Him. We come to You as Your believing people, Your representatives in this earth, the agents of Your government in the earth. We lift up to You this nation of ours, the United States of America. We thank You for the many centuries of special grace and mercy that You have granted to this nation. We thank You for the Godly seeds that have been sown over the centuries by men of faith who have followed in Your footsteps—labored, sacrificed, prayed, and given for Your Kingdom.

LORD, we desire that these godly seeds shall develop into a harvest that shall be reaped for Your purposes. We ask You to extend Your grace and mercy to this nation. We ask You to send a mighty visitation of the Holy Spirit that will overthrow the strongholds of Satan and uplift and glorify the name of the LORD Jesus Christ. We ask you for a mighty floodtide of spiritual revival that will sweep across this nation, casting down everything that opposes itself against the knowledge of God.

And we commit to You now specifically the forthcoming elections and all of the political processes involved. We take our stand in Jesus’ name against every satanic principality and power that would seek to exercise control in these elections. We break their power; we release the elective and the governmental processes from their control, and we put them in Your hands. We pray that You will raise up the men and women of Your choice; put down those who will oppose and stand against Your purposes for this nation.

LORD, we do believe that You have a special destiny for the United States, and we pray that nothing that Satan will do will be able to hinder that destiny.

We also pray, LORD, for the relationship of the United States to Israel. That You will keep Your hand upon it and that You will also guide and overrule, to the benefit of Israel. That this nation will not turn against Israel or take its stand among the enemies of Israel. That You will graciously use this nation continually to support and uphold Your people, Israel, and their state.

LORD, we ask all these things, believing them to be Your will and believing them to be for Your glory, in the precious all prevailing name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Savior. AMEN!




by John Prosser

“In the future, when you experience all these blessings and curses I have listed for you, and when you are living among the nations to which the Lord your God has exiled you, take to heart all these instructions. If at that time you and your children return to the Lord your God, and if you obey with all your heart and all your soul all the commands I have given you today, then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes. He will have mercy on you and gather you back from all the nations where he has scattered you. Even though you are banished to the ends of the earth, the Lord your God will gather you from there and bring you back again. The Lord your God will return you to the land that belonged to your ancestors, and you will possess that land again. Then he will make you even more prosperous and numerous than your ancestors!

Deuteronomy 30:1-5 NLT

The scripture above is a prophetic word given to Moses by God, testifying to His love and faithfulness to a future generation that would rebel against Him. Our fervent prayer is that today’s generation will remember and take to heart God’s instructions, repent of their disobedience, and make the choice to live under the full blessings of the LORD.

Today, more than ever, Israel is facing unprecedented dangers as its enemies relentlessly attack and call for its destruction. Many nations around the world are turning their backs on Israel. Unthinkably, the US is increasingly siding with Israel’s enemies. Let us not despair! Together, let us continue to trust the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who promises to defend Israel. We may not fully understand how God’s plan is unfolding, but we know that He is using it to bring about salvation for Israel and the nations. His Word is unshakable, and it cannot fail, as we read on Scripture below:

This plan of mine is not what you would work out, neither are my thoughts the same as yours! . . . As the rain and snow come down from heaven and stay upon the ground to water the earth, and cause the grain to grow and to produce seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry, so also is my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It shall accomplish all I want it to and prosper everywhere I send it. You will live in joy and peace . . . Isaiah 55:8, 10-12 TLB

Join us in praying for God’s plan to bring His people home to unfold according to His perfect timing concerning the Aliyah of American Jewry. The Lord is allowing these unprecedented and destructive times of mayhem in America to uproot, gather, and plant His people in their Land. Let us not forget, regardless of the ongoing war, Israel is the only nation that God promises that He will protect and fully restore —FOR HIS HOLY NAME’S SAKE!

Please watch CBN’s LATEST ISRAEL UPDATE VIDEO: video:  Hezbollah Leader Vows War ‘Without Rules’ if Israel Launches Offensive, Israelis Claim End to US Weapons Spat | CBN News

I am grateful for your prayers and your generous support. The LORD IS the provision for His holy work of Aliyah—but He expects each one of us to do our part, in obedience to His command to carry His sons and daughters’ home. (Isaiah 49:22) Please consider giving to help those who want to make Aliyah!

In God we trust!

John Prosser

The Land of Israel

The Land of Israel. What is that topic? God’s plan for the land of Israel.

The Land of Israel

by Derek Prince

Why Israel? The Land of Israel

Chapter 6

Why Israel? Chapter 6 – The Land of Israel by author Derek Prince.

In the first section of this book, we dealt with the subject of the people of Israel. Beginning with this chapter, I want to focus on what is possibly the most controversial topic in contemporary politics. What is that topic? God’s plan for the land of Israel.

In contemporary media language, the land of Israel is often mistakenly referred to as Palestine. Let me point out that it is totally contrary to Biblical truth to call it Palestine. Palestine means the land of the Philistines. That term was never used until the Romans had conquered and destroyed the second temple. Then they used the name Palestine to assert that the Jews no longer had any claim to this region. It was a deliberately chosen, anti-Semitic word.

Biblically, the land of Israel was called the Land of Canaan before it was taken by Joshua. But in the New Testament, do you know what this nation is called? The Land of Israel.

God’s Promise to Abraham
To begin our exploration of this controversial subject, let us look at what God has to say about this unique and significant land. In Genesis 17 verses 7 and 8, God appeared to Abraham. At that time, God made a covenant with him which was totally sovereign. Abraham took no initiative with this covenant. God simply decided that this was what He was going to do. He said to Abraham:

And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you. Also I give to you and your descendants after you the land in which you are a stranger, all the land of Canaan, as an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.”

For me, it is absolutely clear that for everyone who believes the Bible, there is no dispute as to whom the land belongs. Whether Israel is in the land or outside of it makes no difference. According to Scripture, specifically stated in the above verse, God has given it to them as an “everlasting possession.”

A Firm Commitment
There is a remarkable passage in Psalm 105, which I personally consider to be one of the most significant passages in Scripture. This psalm contains the statement of God’s plan and total commitment for this land. It describes God’s covenant-keeping intentions for Israel so explicitly. We begin at verse 7:

He is the Lord our God; His judgments are in all the earth. [In other words, what God decrees applies in every part of the earth.]
He remembers His covenant forever, the word which He commanded, for a thousand generations, the covenant which He made with Abraham, …and confirmed it to Jacob for a statute.

In four verses of Psalm 105, the Word of God uses stronger language to describe His total commitment to this land than anywhere else in the Bible. You cannot find another passage quite like this one. Let me just list the words used: covenant, word, command, oath, statute, and everlasting covenant. Here is the pivotal question: to what is God making such a total, authoritative, unreserved commitment? My breath is taken away when I discover the answer to this question in verse 11:

To you I will give the land of Canaan as the allotment of your inheritance.

All those words—covenant, word, command, oath, statute, and everlasting covenant—are applied to God’s giving of all the land of Canaan. The strength and clarity of God’s words carry the implication that anybody who goes against that covenant would be going against God.

The Return of Israel
In Jeremiah, we have one of the countless passages predicting the return of the Jewish people to their inheritance in the last days.

“‘For behold, the days are coming,’ says the Lord, ‘that I will bring back from captivity My people Israel and Judah,’ says the Lord. ‘And I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it.” Jer.30:3

Anyone with a moderate knowledge of the Bible knows that the land God gave to Abraham and his descendants is the land of Canaan. The name for this territory became the land of Israel—the land we call the Holy Land. God says, when the time comes, I will bring back the descendants of Israel and Judah from their captivity to the land I gave to their fathers.





And they shall bring back all your brethren from every nation as a gift to the Lord, transporting them gently[a] on horses and in chariots, and in litters, and on mules and camels, to my holy mountain, to Jerusalem, says the Lord.

Isaiah 66:20 TLB

June 1st – June 30, 2024

We are deeply grateful and humbled by the generosity of His servants. Their love, faithfulness, and commitment to invest in Israel and her people are truly awe-inspiring!

We are pleased to announce a recently made pledge of $100,000. This is a seed to encourage each of us to give a special gift to double this investment.

Together, we are confident that we will achieve our goal. Every dollar received during June 2024 will be matched “dollar for dollar” up to the $100,000 campaign seed.

We encourage you to give as you are able; no gift is too large or too small! If you are receiving our newsletters and have never given, we encourage you to consider becoming an active partner with the LORD. This is a prophetic holy work that is in motion by the Hand of God! He is gathering His people from the 

nations, bringing them home one-by-one, or in great mighty waves of Aliyah. The USA is home to seven million American Jewish people. The potential for a tsunami of Aliyah is gaining momentum in our nation.

We are operating in unprecedented, dangerous times, and we must make every preparation to position our ministry in readiness to assist our Jewish friends in many ways —whatever it takes. This work demands strong faith, unceasing intercession, and great courage!

I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for your generosity and partnership in blessing God’s chosen people as they return home to Israel! Let us honor and bless our God, Israel, and His chosen people, and may we honor one-another by our actions and words. To our God be all the glory, praise, and worship!


DAY 8 THE TIME TO FAVOR ZION by Wendy Beckett's 30-day devotion, God Keeps Covenant


God Keeps Covenant

Day 8
by Wendy D. Beckett

“But You, O Lord, sit enthroned forever; …You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favor to her; the appointed time has come.”  (Psalm 102:12 & 13)

Day 8 of God Keeps Covenant: THE TIME TO FAVOR ZION

I will never forget the gathering in the large cafeteria of a major industrial company in Cleveland, Ohio.  Derek Prince was addressing two thousand eager listeners. The year was 1971 – twenty-three years after the formation of the state of Israel. The air was electric as we heard this renowned Bible teacher expound on how this verse related to   Israel’s birth as a nation.

Profound questions were being addressed: Had 1948 been a turning point in history? One of the Lord’s “suddenlies”? An appointed time that had escaped the world’s attention, but to the Lord was of great importance?  Was He showing favor to His people, Israel, today in the midst of our modern world?

We knew the new nation had been created, but here was Scriptural insight into what the Lord thought of the event. I was in awe as my mind flashed back to mother’s words: “Maybe that’s what the prophets meant!”

The following two Scriptures give us further insights into this “appointed time.” Jesus, in His prophetic description of the history we have just studied, tells us: “Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” (Luke 21:24) Paul echoes this: “Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in.” (Romans 11:25)

With Israel’s birth, a seismic shift occurred in the heavenly realm and in the world. And many – even much of the Church with its rich depository of Scriptural truth – missed it.

How comparable to the way the world missed our Savior’s birth, which was ushered in by the great angelic pronouncement. The sky was ablaze with heavenly light for the Bethlehem shepherds. And the sleeping world yawned.

So it was also with Israel’s inception as a nation. Few understood or were even aware of God’s dramatic invasion into history. But the process had begun. For indeed, the “Lord hears the needy and does not despise his captive people. …for God will save Zion and rebuild the cities of Judah.” (Psalm 69:33 & 35) And that is exactly what has been happening since 1948.

Father, please help us all in Your Church to see the significance of the wondrous accomplishment that You brought forth from the ashes of the Holocaust. You were true to Your Covenant and again gave Your people their land. You have had “compassion on Zion” and shown her favor at “the appointed time,” just as You promised!  You are revealing the continuation of Your love story.

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What God Expects

What God Expects


by Derek Prince

Why Israel? What God Expects

Chapter 5

Why Israel? Chapter 5 – What God Expects by author Derek Prince.

In this chapter, we will deal further with the needed response. We will address these important questions, “What is God looking for in Israel? What is He waiting for?”

Meekness and Humility

For our first answer to questions about the response God expects, let’s look at Zephaniah chapter 3 verses 11-13. Before we explore these verses, I want to add that this passage has a message for the Church just as much as it does for Israel.

In that day you shall not be shamed for any of your deeds in which you transgress against Me; for then I will take away from your midst those who rejoice in your pride, and you shall no longer be haughty in My holy mountain.

What characteristic is God objecting to in this passage? Religious pride. Let me say that there are many reasons for people to be prideful, but religion is at the top of the list.

God says to His Jewish people, “Until you have learned not to be proud because I have chosen you; because I have placed my temple in your midst; because I have called you specially; I am not coming back.”

Then the Lord says:

I will leave in your midst a meek and humble people and they shall trust in the name of the Lord. The remnant of Israel shall do no unrighteousness and speak no lies. Nor shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth.

What is the Lord expecting to see in Israel when He comes back? A meek and humble people. What is the Lord looking for in the Church? Exactly the same—a meek and humble people.

I have come to see that the real issue we are confronting in the Church—in America and many other nations—is pride. Are we really willing to humble ourselves before God?

This point is particularly significant because it brings us right back to the parallel between the Church with Israel. In both cases, Jesus is coming back for a meek and humble people.

The biggest problem with all religious people is pride. That is true of Jews, and it is true of Christians of all denominations. In our study in this chapter, we have learned the most important single lesson for our spiritual well-being: God is looking for humility and meekness.


WORLD WAR II AND THE HOLOCAUST by Wendy Becktt's 30 day devotion, God Keeps Covenant


God Keeps Covenant

Day 7
by Wendy D. Beckett
You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest (pray continually) till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth. (Isaiah 62:6 & 7)

Day 7 of God Keeps Covenant: World War II and the Holocaust

In the summer of 2004, as I walked for the first time through Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem, what struck me most deeply was the Jewish suffering after World War II. My heart was broken not only by the gas chambers and crematoriums (which I had known about) but also by the post-war holding camps in Cyprus and northern Europe, where conditions were not much better than at Auschwitz. I wept as I thought of the survivors of the Holocaust finally landing in Haifa, Israel, only to be sent back to the holding camps because of anti-Semitic regulations.

But I don’t intend here to dwell on the horrors. If you have seen “Schindler’s List,” “Playing for Time” or “The Pianist,” you know very well the appalling scenes from the Warsaw ghetto and the death camps.

Instead, let us zero in on a small Bible College in Wales where nightly, powerful prayer meetings were occurring during the war. Rees Howells, an intercessor God had groomed with great care, would take time by himself to wait on the Lord for the prayer strategy for a particular evening.

Once he had heard the Lord’s direction, he would join others already in prayer and together they would go into deep intercession – perhaps for hours – until they sensed they had “broken through” and the Lord had achieved what He desired. Often within days the news would report a victory the Allies had needed to press on to defeat the evil Nazi regime – exactly as they had prayed.

O yes, there were prayer gatherings everywhere as the world writhed convulsively during those awful years between 1939-1945. Finally those regimes fell, and the senseless murder ceased for those whose only crime was that they were Jewish.

Can we ever answer the question “Why?” In today’s world, innocent people, children, and babies are being murdered almost daily by terrorists. We all wrestle with why evil has to be so powerful. The answers will come when we see the Lord face to face.

Then, we will have the kind of history lesson those two disciples had on the road to Emmaus on Resurrection Day when the Lord Jesus brought His gruesome death and the prophetic Word together for them. (Luke 24) Until that day, I have to trust my Lord. In His Sovereignty, the Lord had to allow the Holocaust. The outcome was a homeland for the Jewish people – the restored nation of Israel. He used the incredible tragedy for His purposes.

To return to our opening Scripture, we see that intercessors did call on the Lord and gave themselves and Him no rest during those terrible years. Through the horrors, the Lord somehow caused His Will to be done to bring closer the Day He “establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.

Father, again we have to acknowledge that Your ways are not our ways. (Isaiah 55:8) We can only declare that You are Sovereign over all the earth. You know what You are doing as You bring about Your will and Your purposes in preparation for that great Day!

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A Special Response – Return of Jesus

the return of Jesus requires a special response...from the Church and from Israel. By author Derek Prince.

A Special Response

by Derek Prince

Why Israel?

Chapter 4

Why Israel? Chapter 4 – A Special Response by author Derek Prince.

In this chapter, we will explore the idea that the return of Jesus requires a special response from both sections of His people—from the Church and from Israel. In other words, Jesus is not coming again until both the Church and Israel are prepared to make the appropriate response. I will begin by saying that I don’t know exactly when Jesus is coming again. It is not up to us to determine the date of His return. But in Matthew 24:3, Jesus was asked, “What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”

In the verses that follow this question, Jesus gave a number of signs, including several distinctive ones. However, He did not answer their question with those responses. It is not until Matthew 24:14 that Jesus provides a specific answer to their specific question about “the sign.”

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
When will the end come? When the “gospel of the kingdom [has been] preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations.” It is clear to see from this response how His return places the responsibility directly on the Church. We are responsible to do what is outlined as the predicate for His coming.

The Jewish Equivalent
Interestingly, Jesus also spoke a word in Matthew 23:37-39 to the Jewish people concerning His return:

Jesus looked out over Jerusalem and said, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!” [Note that “you” is plural here.]

It is important for us to understand that the Jewish people have a collective will. Many times, God addresses them in the plural: “You [My people] were not willing!”

Let us look at how the Scripture passage continues:
For I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”

In other words, Jesus is not going to come back until the heart of the Jewish people has been prepared to welcome Him. He requires a response from Christians (the Church), and from Israel.

Jesus says, in effect, “You are not going to see Me again—I am never going to force Myself upon you. I am not coming back until you are longing for Me; until you cry out for Me; until you realize who I am.”

Planned Giving

Support God's holy work of Aliyah through Planned giving or legacy giving



By John Prosser, President, OEUSA

My heart’s desire is to make you into a great nation, to bless you, to make your name great so that you may be a blessing. My desire is to bless those who bless you, but whoever curses you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.
Genesis 12:2-3 TLV

At this critical juncture in the history of Israel’s relationship with their God, it is imperative that we fortify our resolve in alignment with His eternal blueprint for the restoration and redemption of Israel and the nations.

Operation Exodus USA (OEUSA), a Christian non-profit ministry, stands at the forefront with a mandate from God to assist our Jewish brothers and sisters in their journey of making Aliyah. We extend a heartfelt invitation for you to seek the LORD to incorporate supporting God’s holy work of Aliyah into your planned/legacy giving.

Such deliberate contributions offer a profound opportunity to make substantial gifts that are not only shielded from estate tax, but also sidestep capital gains taxes. These contributions can be structured as ongoing donations throughout your lifetime or meticulously planned as future bequests, perhaps integrated into

your estate planning. We recommend that you consult your financial advisors for more detailed information.

Your consideration of OEUSA in your estate planning legacy makes a direct and significant impact on the monumental move of Aliyah from our nation. Your sacrificial offerings, in both prayer and tangible support for Israel and her people, are investments that yield eternal rewards.

Let each one give as he has decided in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion—for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace overflow to you, so that by always having enough of everything, you may overflow in every good work. As it is written, “He scattered widely, He gave to the poor; His righteousness endures forever.”
2 Corinthians 9:7-9 TLV

Thank you for your prayers, and consideration. Please feel free to call with any questions you may have by contacting the OEUSA National Business Office at 716.681.6300. You may ask for Peggy Perry, Finance Director.

John Prosser, President
And the OEUSA Team


Christians who cared by Wendy Beckett's 30 day devotion, God Keeps Covenant

God Keeps Covenant


Day 6
by Wendy D. Beckett
“Comfort, comfort my people, says your God.” Isaiah 40:1 NIV

Day 6 of God Keeps Covenant: Christians Who Cared.

Dr. Michael Brown has written a powerful book entitled Our Hands Are Stained with BloodThe Tragic Story of the “Church” and the Jewish People. In the midst of recounting the horrific mistreatment of Jews, Dr. Brown gives us a wonderful chapter entitled, “A Blessed and Beautiful Stream,” in which he acquaints the reader with a few of those who have stood out in history against this tide of anti-Semitic evil.

Of course many of these believers were the quiet ones who remained in obscurity. They were those who cried out to God in prayer for the Jewish people or who performed secret acts of kindness despite the personal danger. We know that many of these “righteous Gentiles,” (as the Jewish people call Christians who care for them) gave their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust. Corrie ten Boom’s family is one of the best-known examples (as depicted in the book and movie, The Hiding Place.)

Interestingly, many of the Puritans who shaped early America had a vision for Israel and held the hope that the Jewish people would return to their land and their Lord. Perhaps one of the reasons God has so blessed America has been the fact that many times through the years we have opened our arms to Jewish people fleeing the persecutions of Europe.

Samuel Rutherford, a famous Scottish Puritan, had a deep love for the Lord and His ancient people. I love this description from one of his letters quoted in Dr. Brown’s book:

O to see the sight, next to Christ’s Coming in the clouds, the most joyful! Our elder brother the Jews and Christ fall upon one another’s neck… They have been long asunder; … O longed-for and lovely day-dawn! …let me see that sight which will be as life from the dead, Thee and Thy ancient people in mutual embraces. (2)

In the early 1800s, the London Jews Society was formed. This organization encouraged Jews to immigrate to Israel and also established the first Protestant Jewish Church there. They opened schools and a hospital. The result was that, for the first time in 1,700 years, there were known to be Jewish people in Israel who came to believe in Jesus as the Messiah. During the intense persecutions in Russia in the 1880s, the London Jews Society helped the first Russian immigrants “home” to Israel.

Even Queen Victoria, who reigned on the British throne for more than 50 years in the last half of the 1800s, strongly supported a homeland for the Jewish people.

In today’s Scripture from Isaiah, whom is the Lord addressing? Could it be that He is actually stirring all of us in the Church to “comfort” His chosen people? I believe so!

Thank You, Lord, that You have always had a faithful remnant in the Church who has understood Your great heart of love for Your covenant people. Thank You that down through the centuries there have been those who have heeded Paul’s warnings and have blessed the Jews. May there be more and more Christians who are inspired to “comfort” with an unconditional love, these dear people who have suffered so much.