wave of Aliyah

Aliyah to Israel Becomes the Journey to Safety in the Midst of COVID-19

A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I Jehovah, will hasten it in its time. Isaiah 60:22 (ASV)

Listen, … the alarm clock of Aliyah is ringing. It is announcing that a wave of Aliyah is coming, and it is coming soon. God says that there is an appointed time for when the alarm clock has been set, and at that certain time it will go off. When the alarm goes off, it is time to go—time for our Jewish friends to go from Hope to Home. Now is the time for them to hear the ringing of the alarm clock. It is also time for us to hear it. Jews and Gentiles need to be ready to arise at the sound of the alarm clock going off.

The whole chapter of Isaiah 60 is a message of great hope for Israel. What especially gets my attention is verse 22, which says that God is going to take Israel, which is a small nation, and increase it to become a strong nation. One way I believe this will happen is by a big wave of Aliyah. The timing for that wave is now. Suddenly, the one thing the world is focused on is COVID-19. The virus has brought a pause to the nations. COVID-19 has become the reason why many Jewish people understand that Israel is their safe haven. Suddenly they no longer feel safe outside of Israel.

For years, we have all prayed and wondered what the green light will be for the Jewish people to know that they know that now is the time to go home to Eretz (Land) Israel, where their safety will be guaranteed. During these challenging days of COVID-19, our Jewish friends understand that the anchors that were keeping them out of Israel are no longer strong enough to keep them grounded in the diaspora. A shaking has taken place. The roots that have kept them in the diaspora are no longer strong enough to keep them there. They are hearing the alarm clock go off, and they are getting up and going home to Eretz Israel.

“And there is hope for your future —declares Hashem: Your children shall return to their country.” Jeremiah 31:16 (The Israel Bible)

Shirley Lawrenson
Aliyah Director

Please download our Scripture Brochure, God’s Purposes of Aliyah.

From 1945 to COVID-19 Global Pandemic

From 1945 to COVID-19 Global Pandemic

With the miracle of Israel’s rebirth in its ancient homeland in May 1948, a new period in biblical prophecy and geopolitical actuality started. Over 70 per cent of the Jewish Holocaust survivors eventually reached Eretz Israel, their ancient new homeland. In Europe, and one could argue in the Western world, the end of WWII began a Golden Age of unprecedented political freedom, religious liberty, and economic progress. Since the Holocaust, anti-Semitism has become taboo, and Jews in the Western world have enjoyed the same stable conditions as have their fellow citizens.

The anti-Semitism of the past two decades is a troubling and growing phenomenon. The scale suggests Jews of today may have to face the same choices their grandparents faced. Anti-Semitism has become reality on university campuses and in media, NGOs, and some churches. The hatred comes from every political group and brings together people and ideas that otherwise have nothing in common. Verbal violence has escalated to vandalism against Jewish targets and murderous attacks against Jewish worshipers. Synagogues and community centers in Europe and the USA have been spray-painted with ugly slogans.

Dr. Susanna Kokkonen has her degree in Holocaust Studies from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She worked as the Director of Christian Friends of Yad Vashem in Jerusalem    between 2008 – 2018.

She frequently travels around the world speaking about anti-Semitism, the Holocaust, and persecution of Christians. Her book Journey to the   Holocaust: Anti-Semitism, the Bible, and History’ is now available on Amazon.

Her website is: www.susannakokkonen.com

During COVID-19, anti-Semitism has spread like wildfire in the social media. Iran’s leaders and media have accused Israel of spreading the virus. In social media across Europe and the USA, the virus is sometimes drawn with a Jewish face. In the USA, various writers instructed anti-Jewish activists who have tested positive to enter synagogues—this to spread the virus into Jewish communities. Israeli deaths are being celebrated online. Finally, as researchers around the world are struggling to find a COVID-19 cure, one thing is evident: if Israeli scientists are the first to succeed, this will be seen as a Jewish effort to benefit from the crisis.

Thus, anti-Semitism is very much alive and part of current societal discourse. In the anti-Semitic worldview, Jews and Israel are to be hated. Nothing they can do or say can change this.

What are we to do? We must stand against hatred. My advice is to pray and act. I am thankful that ministries such as Operation Exodus USA have taken a strong stand against anti-Semitism, and they support and stand with Israel while encouraging and materially supporting those who wish to make Aliyah.

Impact on Aliyah and the Church

Impact on Aliyah and the Church

Impact on Aliyah and the Church

Dear Friends and Partners,
In the midst of anarchy, Aliyah continues to grow and take root in the hearts of Jewish people throughout the Diaspora. Jews living in the U.S.A. are being shaken to their core, and many are making their voices heard. Just a couple of days ago—in a video posted on Arutz Sheva (Israeli news media network)—Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein, founder of Ateres Naava Seminary in Brooklyn, New York, made a personal appeal for American Jews to make Aliyah. The following are highlights of the video:
— “All of us, we all need to get out of here, it’s not for us anymore everybody.
It’s just not for us. We don’t belong here.…Hashem (G-d) took away a lot of the money that was keeping us here, the education that was keeping us here.…Hashem, help us. I should have the koach (strength) to lead you… It’s written in all the sefarim (holy books), what’s gonna happen. Whoever’s stuck in galus (exile) when Mashiach (the messiah) comes, some of us are not even going to make it to Eretz Yisrael, and it’s the best place for Jews.”

Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein calls on US Jews to make Aliyah

 “It’s not for us anymore everybody. It’s just not for us. We don’t belong here.”


I urge you to listen to Rabbi’s Zecharia’s video. Clearly, He sees the handwriting on the wall and understands time is running out for Jews living in America. He is asking Hashem to help his people decide to make Aliyah now! Thank God for our privilege to join Rabbi Zecharia in his prayer. Scripture seems to describe this moment in time: For the bed is too short to stretch oneself on, and the covering too narrow to wrap oneself in. Isaiah 28:20 GW
This crisis brings a tremendous opportunity for the Church to raise its voice in support of Israel and Jews living all around us. We have a responsibility to stand with them, encourage, pray and bless them through their Aliyah. We are the voice of the Church, and we cannot stand by in silence. 
 I would like to share an extremely timely and relevant word/teaching written by Merrill Bolender, titled SHAKING OF ALL THINGS. This teaching (see link below) helps us identify with God’s purposes and better equips us to pray according to His perfect will.
Merrill and his wife Donna are valiant servants of God, deeply respected and loved by all at OEUSA. For decades, their faithful commitment in prayer and support for this holy work has never wavered. They serve OEUSA as area representatives in the Great Lakes region. Merrill’s book, WHEN THE CROSS BECAME A SWORD: The Origin and Consequences of Replacement Theology, is now printed in sixteen languages and available on six continents.

To obtain Merrill’s book, please call our National Office.  You will learn shocking information regarding the tragic role Christians played in the persecution of Jews for centuries. This is a valuable tool to share with family and friends so they recognize the many forms of anti-Semitism.
God is in our midst, and He is greater than the pandemic and the anarchy we are facing. We are the salt of the earth and a light to the nations! We walk in victory by the power and authority we have in Christ Jesus. 
Thank you, friends and partners, for your support in prayer and giving of your finances. We trust the LORD to touch your hearts to give abundantly, above and beyond the need at hand. 
John Prosser

2004-2020 – Merrill and Donna served with Ebenezer Operation Exodus, living six months in Odessa, Ukraine, a port on the Black Sea. They sailed on 6 cruises from the Port in Odessa with Olim making Aliyah to Haifa, Israel.  They presently serve as Indiana Reps speaking in churches and groups, raising up intercessory prayer groups and participating in OE USA intercessory prayer by phone and Zoom.

Currently, Merrill and Donna reside in a retirement community in Indianapolis, Indiana. They are servants of the Lord.  They come from ordinary backgrounds with an undeniable calling on their lives.

SHAKing of All Things COver
God’s shaking is including “Every Facet of Society” World-Wide
  • Social world – distancing – quarantine)
  • Business world: Economy, stock market,
  • Educational world
  • Sports world
  • Entertainment world
  • International and cruise ship travel
  • Medical world overwhelmed
  • Religious world
  • Church world
Things God Wants To Accomplish During This Shaking…

If you would like to make a donation to Operation Exodus USA to assist Jewish people moving to Israel, please click the donate button below. On behalf of Operation Exodus USA, thank you!


aliyah is up - Operation Exodus USA is a Christian Ministry that helps Jewish people go home (making Aliyah) to Israel.



Things are looking up despite the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic. As Christians, we have a perspective that is unlike that of the world around us. We see things differently than the world does; we recognize the signs of the days we are living in. We look up to our God, and we testify of the abundance of His grace and mercy in our own lives, and His faithfulness to the covenant He made with the Israelites. In these days of extreme uncertainty, we stand confident that our God does not change, He Is the Great I AM! He Is all that we need to make it through the shakings that our nation and the nations of the world are experiencing. Jesus said “…So when all these things begin to happen, stand straight and look up! For your salvation is near.” Luke 21:28 (TLB)

Operation Exodus USA has such a unique call, and we are honored, especially in these days, to serve God, and to be a blessing to His chosen people. Jewish communities all around us have been hit extremely hard with high numbers of loved ones who have lost their lives. What an opportunity we have to encourage them with God’s Word, to speak to them tenderly, comfort them, and be carriers of His love to them.

Aliyah is holy; it’s the Father’s heart’s desire to reunite His family unto Zion, His holy place. Our King Jesus is soon coming. This is not a time to be a bystander and just watch; this is a time to obey God, to pray, stand, and take action. Now is the time to partner with God, and to be that instrument in His Hands—to bring and carry His sons and daughters home.

Aliyah is up! Jewish people are now looking up toward Israel as their permanent home. Despite the pandemic, planes are flying from all over the world, bringing God’s people to Israel. Our team at OEUSA is filled with joy at the increase and the acceleration of applications we are now receiving.

Your obedience to the LORD in prayer and giving is the fuel that carries the assistance we provide to those making Aliyah. Now, more than ever, we need your participation. We encourage you to communicate with us about how the LORD is speaking to you to be directly involved with the work of Aliyah. These are the days preceding the 2nd Exodus, and we are fully confident the LORD will make all provision. He is faithful!

We value and appreciate all our partners and friends. We thank God for you, and we keep you and your families in our prayers. Stand strong, look up, and walk in divine health!

ADONAI is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation. This is my God, and I will glorify Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt Him. …Your right hand, ADONAI, is glorious in power. Your right hand, ADONAI, dashes the enemy to pieces. Exodus 15:2, 6 TLV

John Prosser

“My heart’s desire is to make you into a great nation, to bless you, to make your name great so that you may be a blessing. My desire is to bless those who bless you, but whoever curses you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” Gen. 12:2-3 TLV

Please download our Scripture Brochure, Promises for Israel.
What the Bible teaches about the Jewish people and their return to the Promised Land.


Operation Exodus USA is a Christian Ministry that helps Jewish people go home (making Aliyah) to Israel. Article - On The Cusp of a Still Greater Aliyah.

Still Greater Aliyah

“…I will save my people from lands east and west; I will bring them back, and they will live in Yerushalayim. They will be my people; and I will be their God,…” Zechariah 8:7-8 CJB


John BeckettWe are currently witnessing the greatest in-gathering of Jewish people to the Land of Israel since the time of the Exodus under Moses. This historic phenomenon is recent—occurring primarily in the past 25 years.

Why isn’t this headline news? Perhaps it is because of ignorance or denial, but possibly spiritual blindness. Every “earth is flat” mindset traps people in a distorted view of reality.

I could easily be among those oblivious to this massive global re-gathering. As I was growing up in the 1940s and ’50s, anti-Semitic jabs and slurs were common. I unwittingly adopted some myself. My bias was reinforced as a student at MIT, where Jewish classmates would incessantly lobby professors for higher grades—somehow feeling they were being mistreated. It was annoying, and I allowed my annoyance to fester.

Then, in the late ’50s, I was invited to a campus lecture. I don’t remember a word of the speech, but I will never forget the images—unvarnished footage of the extermination of Jewish people in German concentration camps. General Dwight Eisenhower had insisted that this human tragedy be captured on film, fearing the world would one day deny and forget this monstrous evil.

My attitude toward Jewish people was permanently altered. Of course they deserved a homeland – not just any land, but the land promised them for millennia! How could I imagine that, in my lifetime, we would witness millions pouring into Israel in this modern-day exodus?

Those of you who read this vital newsletter don’t need convincing. You are already making a huge difference. You’ve had your own kind of “revelation” that Aliyah is fully on the heart and in the purposes of God. And you are acting on this revelation in ways that are appropriate for your circumstances and capacity. For my wife Wendy and me, this has meant prayer, influence and decades of financial support.

Many close observers are convinced that the recent outpouring is but prologue—that we are on the cusp of a still greater Aliyah.

This is a call, underscoring a unique opportunity to engage this miracle in whichever way the Lord directs. Think long-term, considering how strategic the next decade will be. Think sacrificially, deeming yours an investment with eternal consequences. We have a calling before us worthy of the journey.

John Beckett – Chairman, The Beckett Companies

“My heart’s desire is to make you into a great nation, to bless you, to make your name great so that you may be a blessing. My desire is to bless those who bless you, but whoever curses you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” Gen. 12:2-3 TLV

Please download our Scripture Brochure, Promises for Israel.
What the Bible teaches about the Jewish people and their return to the Promised Land.

In The Latter Days…

In the latter days

Now it shall come to pass in the latter days (“achariyt he ‘yamim” in Hebrew.)

This term is found several times in the Bible and is connected to the Aliyah.  It means “in the last days, or end days.”  One place is Micah 4:1-2.  The time will come when every living Jewish person will make their Aliyah and return to Israel (Ezekiel 39:27-28), even from North America.  In the 46 years I have been involved with the Aliyah, prayer has been the basis of all the Lord has shown me and allowed me to witness.  To Him be the glory, all I have done is obey Him. 

When I first met Gustav Scheller in 1982 and we began Operation Exodus, prayer was always the central theme out of which we received our direction of what to do, and by God’s grace today, more than 200,000 Jewish people have been assisted to make Aliyah.  Today, there are about 7,000,000 Jewish people in North America and I know God has the plan that will make the way for them to go to Israel. 

The question is How?  That’s where the prayer comes in.  Yeshua said without Him we can do nothing (Jn 15:5) and He only did what He saw His Father do (Jn 5:19), and He only spoke the words His Father taught Him (Jn 8:28).  We must follow His example, pray, hear and obey His voice and He will reveal His plan to help, finance (if it is His will, it is His bill) and be the instruments to see His eternal purposes and plans fulfilled. 

Gustav and I started with $1 each in our kitty, so with a capitalization of $2 we began, trusting we were hearing from the Lord and being guided by Him, the rest is history.  In God’s mathematics 1 + 1 does not equal 2, one fights off a 1,000, two fights off 10,000 (Deut 32:30).  When Gustav and I had the charter contract in front of us for the first ship with a $1,000,000 bill attached to it, and we only had $2 in the kitty, but God… we were given the ship with a crew of 91 seamen on our signatures. 

With the contract on the table, the Lord opened my spiritual eyes and I saw we were surrounded by angels, I signed and after sharing with Gustav, he signed.  We never missed a payment.  It’s the end of days, will you pray and help?

Steve Lightle
International Speaker & Author

Please download our Scripture Brochure, God’s Purposes of Aliyah.


Experience and Celebrate the Power of Yeshua’s Resurrection

Dear Friends and Partners,

Each one of us, our families, our communities, our nation and the world are living in unprecedented days. This year, the celebration and remembrance of the Jewish Feast of Passover and the Christian Resurrection Day will look and feel very different. During this unusually quiet weekend, may we desire to know Christ as written in Philippians 3:10-11
 …“I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.” (NIV)

Thank you for your faithfulness to the work the LORD is doing through Operation Exodus USA. He is preparing us for the greater Aliyah that is upon us. Our prayer is that you will personally experience the power of Yeshua’s (Jesus in Hebrew) resurrection and all those whom you love and serve. Remember that Jesus came so that we may have life—life in its fullest measure. Our God is alive; let us rejoice, for HE IS RISEN!

Please read the following powerful Passover article prepared by our National Prayer Coordinator, Quay Messner.

John Prosser
President/CEO, Operation Exodus USA

Pesach – Passover

“This day is to be a memorial for you…keep it as an eternal ordinance.” Exodus 12:14 TLV. And so, “this day”, the 14th of Nisan, according to the jewish calendar, has been kept by the Jews ever since their miraculous deliverance from bondage in Egypt. The celebration is centered at a table, with special edible symbols and a meal that makes them “re-live” the event.

“Do this in memory of Me.” Luke 22:19b TLV. The establishment of what Christians call “Communion” took place at the Passover table. As Christians, we participate in a mini Passover Seder whenever we “re-live” our miraculous deliverance from bondage through Communion.

“…[W]hen…your children ask, “What does this ceremony mean…You say, “It is the sacrifice of ADONAI’s Passover…” Exodus 12:26-27 TLV. Passover is His celebration — remembering and rejoicing in what He has done for us through the Lamb. The Jewish understanding is that each Jewish person spiritually experiences the first Passover as if he/she had been there. As Christians, we also understand that the work of Calvary is personal. The reality and power are released when we remember that we are not remembering a dead person or god, but the Living God.

Yet there is more to the story! 

“And Pharaoh rose up in the night…Then he summoned Moses and Aaron…and said, “Up, go out from among my people, both you and the people of Israel; and go, serve the Lord…” Exodus 12:30-31 ESV

So, they went out! It truly was a miracle. But a few days later, they were in dire straits—trapped (by God’s design) and being pursued by Pharaoh and his powerful army. There was no hope in the natural. They were doomed, BUT GOD said…

“Don’t be afraid…see the salvation of ADONAI…” Exodus 14:13 TLV. The LORD appeared as a pillar of cloud and fire (The Holy Spirit), a spiritual barrier between His people and Pharaoh. The Red Sea was split by the power of God; the Israelites passed through; God drew the army of Pharaoh to pursue; the waters covered them—never to be seen again. 

Resurrection Life for the Israelites! This event took place on the 17th day of Nisan—on the third day after leaving Egypt! The Red Sea event was a real-life symbol of the Resurrection!  As believers, we are assured of victory over the enemy who pursues us. 

We are grafted into the fullness of Passover. May the LORD bless His Jewish people as they celebrate—to come to full revelation—and may He bless us to appreciate more deeply the precious root that supports us (Romans 11:18).

 Happy Passover—Resurrection!

Quay Messner
National Prayer Coordinator, Operation Exodus USA

Response to COVID-19/ Corona Virus Pandemic

Corona Virus (COVID-19) Pandemic

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you; don’t be distressed, for I am your God. I give you strength, I give you help, I support you with my victorious right hand. Isaiah 41:10 CJB

Dear Friends,

Let us keep building ourselves up through our most sacred faith, praying in the power of the Holy Spirit, and keeping ourselves hidden in the love and faithfulness of God. The panic and unprecedented hysteria continue to build around the corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic. As I listen to the daily news, I am amazed at the many life-changing events that are taking place all around us.

The authority of God’s Word is the most powerful weapon we have against the corona virus and any other pestilence that would come against us. His living Word is the vaccine we need to build up an immunity to the current virus that continues to spread throughout our nation.

A synagogue not far from our home has become the epicenter of an outbreak of this current virus in Westchester County, New York. The rabbi is one of the many congregants who have tested positive for the virus. This outbreak accounts for 108 of New York State’s 173 cases reported thus far. The governor of New York has called in the National Guard to a “containment area” established around a community in New Rochelle in an attempt to limit the spread of this virus.

Here is a statement in part by Rabbi Reuven Fink: A crisis can bring out the best in people. It is bringing out the best in us. But as we see, despite all these measures, the amount of people testing positive is increasing. We all have to be careful to comply. We still have a way to go in handling our communal situation. Together, we can persevere and triumph over these challenges. With our ever-abiding faith in G-d who is the healer, we pray that we, as well as our fellow Americans and the peoples of the world, will conquer this disease. 

We need to come together in prayer for our Jewish brothers and sisters who are in great need of healing, much comfort, and encouragement. Please pray for God’s wisdom for those in authority to know how to combat this virus so that lives will be saved and disruptions to their normal lives will cease.

“Now if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all generously and without reproach; and it be given to him.” James 1:5 NASB

Together, let us proclaim Psalm 91 over every state on the map below, decreeing that the coronavirus will cease in our nation, in Israel and all other nations. Pray God’s healing power over all who are currently affected by it. Let us encourage one another with this scripture: “Tell everyone who is discouraged, BE strong and don’t be afraid! God is coming to your rescue…” Isaiah 35:4 GNT

During this time of shaking and uncertainty, we are sensing a strong unction from the LORD to go deeper in prayer and wait upon the LORD for His direction. No matter what happens in the days ahead, Aliyah will continue! In obedience to God’s call, we must be prepared and ready to assist hundreds upon hundreds of Olim who will make Aliyah this year.

To him who is able to keep you from falling and to bring you faultless and joyful before his glorious presence — to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, might, and authority, from all ages past, and now, and forever and ever! Amen. Jude 1:24-25 GNT

John Prosser
Operation Exodus USA

The Feast Of Purim

Feast of Purim



Every year, our Jewish friends celebrate the Feast of Purim, also known as the Feast of Esther.  During this day of celebrations, they remind themselves of the deliverance of their people in the days of the King of Persia. This year it starts from sunset, on Monday, March 9, 2020, until sunset, Tuesday, March 10, 2020. On this day, the Jewish people celebrate with great laughter and joy because God has turned despair into hope! As they read the whole history of Queen Esther, they recognize the enormity of what God had done for them and then they burst out in great laughter and joy!

This Feast, recorded only in the book of Esther is read in its entirety in synagogues throughout Israel and in many nations on this one day. People dress up, armed with toys and whistles that can make much noise in celebration of God’s protection and promise to deliver His covenant people. The story of Purim is a clear testimony of God’s hand of protection upon His children. Even when things do not look good, God is there!

A Purim service in the Synagogues is a noisy place. Kids specially enjoy taking part by blowing whistles, banging on drums and shouting with loud voices when the name of Haman the enemy is read. In the past, I attended Purim services in Israel. It always reminded me of the following words …“Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them.” Psalms 126:2 NIV.  This scripture also reminds me of when Olim return to Israel, their lives are changed and we hear their testimonies. Their living in the Land is filled with joy, peace and, yes, laughter, celebrating God’s provision for them to make Aliyah, to go home to Eretz Israel!

Purim teaches our Jewish friends and us as well, that whatever we may face, if we ask for the courage to trust and obey God, no matter what the circumstance, all things will work together for good. The real hero’s in the Megillah (scroll, long complicated story) is not Esther or Mordecai, but God, who was working behind the scenes, and using ordinary but willing men and women to preserve the Jewish people against all odds.

Esther – the feast of Purim teaches us and all peoples and nations, that God will not abandon His people, He will and is fulfilling His promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

To God be the Glory!
Chag Purim Sameach!! Happy Purim Holiday!!

Please download our Scripture Brochure, God’s Purposes of Aliyah.

Are You Listening?

Are You Listening?

This can be your breakthrough appointment with God, one of the 

most significant opportunities in your entire life!

Mark 4:23 NKJV “If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.”

Revelation 2:29 NKJV “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

As the Body of Christ, we have a massive assignment. It’s a world-wide assignment. It’s a Kingdom assignment. It’s a people assignment. Part of that assignment is, we’re held responsible to fulfill prophecy, because we carry the testimony of Jesus in our hearts. Revelations 19:10b says “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” The Body of Christ is a “prophetic people!” Prophecy includes hearing, speaking, and seeing what God is saying.

As a prophetic people, we don’t just stand by passively looking for prophecy to come to pass, we must also become engaged by being a part of prophetic fulfillment, by participating with the plan of God in the earth.  As 2 Corinthians 5:7 says, “We walk by faith and not by sight.”  In fact, a simple definition for faith is, acting on the Word of God! As a prophetic believer, are you doing your part? Are you acting and responding to the Word of God for our generation? Are you listening?

The Scriptures place a high importance on hearing God’s voice. You know as well as I do, that in the day and time we’re living in, you need to fine tune your hearing and tune in to what the Spirit is saying to the Body of Christ. In fact, Jesus Himself said in John 10:27 NKJV “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”

God is always challenging us to come higher and expand more! And one way that He does this, is by speaking a Word to us that causes us to become committed to a Kingdom cause. All Kingdom causes require Kingdom commitment. Are you operating in your life by a Kingdom Commitment? A Kingdom Commitment is a resolve of a course of action based on a conviction that’s established by God’s Word that I’ll go above and beyond because I have this compelling desire to please God.

Jesus Himself said in John 8:29 NKJV, “And He Who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him.”

Aliyah is the heart of God!

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are given the ability to not only hear God, but to also see what God is doing. Have you been paying attention to what God is doing with Israel and the Jewish people? Have you been listening to the Holy Spirit, to catch the revelation of Aliyah? Aliyah, which is a Hebrew word that can be translated as “ascent,” is also the heart of God because He is bringing back the Jewish people to the land of Israel, for His Name’s sake, according to Ezekiel 36:22. At Operation Exodus USA, we have purposed to do our part by being a part of prophetic fulfillment, as we assist Jewish people who desire to move to Israel from the United States.

I can’t recall where I got this statement from, but I read where one person said, “Since the Holy Spirit lives in every born again believer, and He is each person’s Helper, He will never lead us into being simply a spectator. He cannot help the believer to be what He has never been – a spectator! The Holy Spirit will lead every believer into being a participator with God.” Are you listening?

Did you know that when you have a delayed response, that’s disobedience? Not only that, but also a divided heart response is disobedience, as well. But God is looking for a devoted heart response, which is a “Kairos moment” response. It’s the response that God Himself searches the earth looking for, for the Bible says in 2 Chronicles 16:9, “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”    Are you listening?

Hear the Word of the Lord in these 2 verses:

2 Samuel 7:10 NKJV “Moreover I will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own and move no more; nor shall the sons of wickedness oppress them anymore, as previously.”

Jeremiah 23:3 “But I will gather the remnant of My flock out of all countries where I have driven them, and bring them back to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase.”

As prophetic people, we must make ourselves available to yield to the Holy Spirit and become instruments in the Hand of God to assist Jewish people everywhere to perform Aliyah, so they can encounter a dimension of God’s supernatural power in a manner they’ve never experienced before! Are you listening?

Now it’s time for you to do your part.

Please download our Scripture Brochure, God’s Purposes of Aliyah.